I can remember the time very good. Over here the internet and easy access to North America in general was limited to hearsay from magazine guys, videos or magazines.
For me, it all started with a small statement that a video from vancouver was available via the Czechoslovakia (you had to call a number in Germany to actually get the tape delivered from there, weird). I loved Vancouver back then (19989/99) I think.
I watched it in horror, I can still remember the feelings I had. Good times. Around the same time I got my hands on K1 - the rest is history.
I was shocked to see the ending to legendary trails in K3, I was literally crying and hoping that the trailbuilders had enough "resilience" to pull it through.
I had no idea how big and, eventually, how organised your community was - until I found this very forum during my tri-semester in Ireland.
I have never ridden the trails, so I can only relate as an outsider to a thing that was breezing through the media-magazine jungle and left more than one rider shocked.
Props to the builders and MASSIVE props to the folks who then stepped up and started to talk with the responsible people and politicians. You guys did something that would have not had happened like that over here. Not on that scale.
"You don't learn from experience. You learn from reflecting on the experience."
- Kristen Ulmer