Posted by: Blofeld
Congrats on the progression! Reading that made me very happy. I appreciate the thoughts on carrying the improvements through winter and next season as well.
I was thinking more about the sage old advice at the top of this post. I decided it is very good advice to give, but I wonder if it’s actually true? That is, do we really crash more when feeling less confident? Humans being notably poor at interpreting random sequences and all that. There was some research in the 80s about the ‘Hot Hand’ in basketball showing past baskets hit and perception of same doesn’t affect the outcome of future shots.
Thanks - things will definitely slow up in winter as a lot of the features we are hitting are gaps therefore the ground isn't as fast as spring / summer. But I have one riding buddy who needs to knock off 3 more on a line of 9 gaps and I need to do a full run with all 9 (which our other riding buddy has done). Then I need to get all of them on the HT (6 of 9 done so far).
I definitely have "confident" and "I'm just going to chill" days. There are some features I can hit whatever the day and others I will leave alone when i'm not feeling it. I think mtb is such a mind game - if you are feeling confident your body is in the right position and positive and committal. It's when you hesitate things don't go right.