Posted by: Vikb
Posted by: AndrewMajor
They have a bunch of ~ bike parts so they’re basically mountain bicycles right?
Ya. I mean they are only wrist-assist. They don't move without a human turning a bike part.
The important thing to remember, Vik, is that it's all about education and courtesy. There were jerks riding muscle bikes long before electric motors were introduced to the equation, and there were jerks riding Class-1 BroPeds long before the mini-e-motos started showing up. Trail organizations just need to get on signage right away. Folks will definitely obey clear directional signage just like they currently follow clear signage denoting where e-MTBs are not welcome. Folks will absolutely slow down and yield the trails to other users, just like they do now.
Okay, yes, in the wrong hands, these more powerful pedal-free mountain bicycles could be an issue - faster speeds, more user interactions per hour - but the horse is already out of the barn so instead of whining about it and being an elitist gate-keeper get busy adapting how you use rider-built trail infrastructure to accommodate this new branch of mountain bicycling.