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Jan. 23, 2015, 9:17 a.m. -  boomforeal

#!markdown a couple of follow ups to this review, which i wrote in october before the weather hit: - i actually just pulled the trail boss off my bike, and it is SHREDDED. but despite its condition the decrease in performance and grip has been subtle. and it has done quite well in the wetter conditions we've seen on the shore of late. i'm doubly impressed with it now - i've gone back to my trustee ikon on the back, but when that goes i may well reach for another trail boss, especially if i can find a 2.4″ wide variant - ken perras pointed on out FB that the "fast rolling/tcs light" trailboss i reviewed is a dual/pretty soft compound tire. i can't find any published durometer numbers from wtb, but given how well the trailboss has continued to perform in the past few months i don't doubt his assessment of the rubber used is correct. i'm a bit nervous about how well i'll get on with the ikon after several months on the trailboss; the ikon wears more slowly and grips well in my memory, but the trailboss may have raised the bar of my expectations

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