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Jan. 28, 2015, 5:37 p.m. -  Kevin Johnstone

#!markdown I've come to this website nearly every day for 12 years. One of the best things about is the local content. As a local resident, I love that every review article ranks products on how they perform on the trails that I ride every week. I also look forward to any content put out by Cam, Seb, or Matt. I enjoy the written word more than most and appreciate the extra effort made to make articles flow well and pepper them with interesting vocabulary. And you can always count on NSMB for an honest opinion. Matt's viral videos are always original and shared with many of my friends. I also come for the forum. Although the forum has changed a bit in the last few years, there are still some post-worthy threads and most of the conversation is both civil and thought provoking. The level of moderation has increased quite a bit in the last few years, but I feel it is warranted and not overbearing. I put more thought into my online presence on NSMB than most other forums. My advice for NSMB is to stay the course. You've carved a niche, stick with it and don't change your formula too much. Just the fact that you are worried about journalistic integrity puts you miles ahead of many other sites. And remember, most praise is silent.

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