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Jan. 7, 2025, 6:23 a.m. -  SteveR

That's quite the dust-up over an inspiring story of recovery!  Similarly, e-bikes have been a great rehab aid to a couple of my friends after injury or serious disease. More power to that! In my late 60's, dedication, genetics and probably some luck allow me to still be able to propel myself without needing a motor, and am fine with reducing my expectations as I age. No doubt at some point I will consider adding some boost if I choose to continue with MTB, and I will be fine when that day comes, too. Having said that- I do have concerns about the ongoing creeping motorization of bicycling, and where that might be leading us. Are we heading into a future where MTB is a motorsport?  Ranters on both "sides"- Barry, Lynx, XXX etc- you need to take a time out!

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