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Jan. 6, 2025, 3:29 p.m. -  XXX_er

You can have your opinion but I don't want to hear it, because when you wank up an E-bike artical   with anti E bike rhetoric to the point you remove all the air from the room you wreck the artical and people who have ideas or question  and valid comments just might not so in other words you interfere with the  artical just like how if I posted smack on your proclivity for old stuff no body is interested in  riding any more I would wreck it, so I never post anything on 10spds or 10 yr old bikes or any of your posts and so the idea is to play nice, stay in our own lanes so  the authors be authors and write their articals and also not tell lies about not reading or not commenting on E-bike articals and BTW  there are more old people that ever who  are buying more e-bikes than ever, there   are more e-bike articals than ever, so if your shoes feel wet it might be cuz you are pissing in the wind

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