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Jan. 6, 2025, 1:38 p.m. -  BarryW

That's a straight cop out. Mentally 'needed' a motorcycle? Come on.  You made a choice to skip the steps, and were greedy. You could have pedalled with your kids and taught them to ride WITH people and made our sport more inclusive.  Instead you chose to continue the bad-friend narrative of 'we can't ride unless you're at MY level' and that sucks. This is a huge part of why women and new riders feels unwelcome in the MTB world.  When I ride with anyone I ride WITH them. Because I'm a decent person and I care about them. Try it, it'll even give you good mental health feels.  In my recovery even standing up straight was a challenge, but every single day I did more and more steps until it was a mile, then two, then finally back to flat, sidewalk pedaling until I got back to now. It's a challenge for sure, and I do not discount that. But let's change our sport for the better by doing the hard work and being good riding companions rather than being greedy about how much fun WE get to have.

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