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Jan. 3, 2025, 7:28 a.m. -  Justin White

Why wouldn't you set up your suspension (at least somewhat) for those "shredit" moments, even if they're not the entire ride? They're when you're putting the most energy into the system, probably have the highest risk (even if it's just a loss-of-traction low-side-slide off the trail, still breaks the flow), and arguably can be some of the most fun. Yes, don't go so far into Rampage-setup-territory such that it's annoying/painful to ride the rest of the time, but I'm not setting my bike up to be intentionally ridden lazily because that makes the "give it a go" moments more difficult and/or dangerous. Isn't the point kinda to find those fun moments and relish them, not to ride lazily and hold on for dear life when it gets sketch?

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