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Jan. 2, 2025, 2:17 p.m. -  ShawMac

I think my riding goal for this year will be to compete in three DH races, and to not be last in category in at least one of them. I did one race two years ago, two races last year, so hopefully three this year.  Strategy for it: \- More time on the DH bike, and hopefully a few more days at the bike park \- Better fitness/strength. I think it is the main thing holding me back. Push-ups, pull ups, squats and planking every second day (Thanks Cam!).  Supplemental goal... I also suck at wheelies so I will also take on the 10 metre challenge. My real goal is proper manuals, but I think wheelies are easier to fart around and practice while riding with the kids. Balance point has always been my issue.

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