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Jan. 2, 2025, 5:57 a.m. -  Lynx .

Interesting Mike, like the tinkering, it's what we start to do, more and more the longer we've been doing this thing called MTBing, I love tinkering about equal to actually riding and managing to get extra out of something always feels good. I have a couple thoughts...First, curious if you measured the saddle to bar drop before the conversion and after? Since you describe yourself like me, "Princes and the Pea" you can/will probably feel 2.5mm difference in bar to saddle drop and while you extended the travel 10mm, that was not a vertical extension, but angled, so more like the front raised 7-8mm, so that's something to think about. Last weekend I moved my bar up 2.5mm on the Phantom as I was cruising around on it and it felt fine for that as I was holding/carrying stuff, but then yesterday before I headed out to ride, rode over to my bros and it felt high, dropped it the 2.5mm and felt perfect again. Also, was feeling a stiff and hamstrings were a bit tight week before, been doing some stretching this week, sol also something to consider. Second, yes it's going to handle/feel different if you've raised the BB by 10mm, most definitely, but if you're riding more chundery trails, then the extra BB height is a good thing and you will just need to learn to adapt to this new geo, like how when you first got on a bike with a much longer front end and had to learn to/remember to make sure and weight the front more or wash in turns.

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