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Dec. 27, 2024, 7:11 p.m. -  Kenny

My plan (also not-a-resolution lol) is to embrace and enjoy the adventure and endurance side of cycling more this year.  My riding performance is hugely limited/hindered by my overall stamina, and also it's a new way for me to seek out new challenges.  While not out to pasture, I'm getting old enough that adding challenge and progression by riding gnarlier trails, bigger features, faster and faster, ad infinitum, just isn't going to be sustainable. The calculus of risk/reward just isn't there. But I do want to challenge myself and improve. I think more adventure oriented riding will simultaneously scratch that itch and improve my "real" mountain bike riding. Plus its a perfect cover story for an N+1 (gravel grinder). It's a win all around!

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