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Dec. 26, 2024, 7:19 p.m. -  Justin White

2\. Except not a ton of shocks allow external HSR adjustment, it's the last thing to get a knob going up the trim lines, and some shocks never get one, to quite hard to tweak. Any other suggestions? I also think that blowing feet off is more often (on the damper front, it could be so many other things) from incorrect compression damping: too much such that the suspension doesn't move enough and the bump lifts you up then your feet come off when the bike suddenly drops, or too little so you already blew through your travel and the wall-of-progression or bottom-out bumper is now lifting you up and your feet come off when the bike suddenly drops. And both of these scenarios can be excerbated by too slow rebound damping because the wheel might not be back firmly on the ground and thus not providing you anything to push against to set your feet again! It is reaction time, but fast rebound actually extends the window to react to the light feet feeling by giving you more time without the bike free-falling.

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