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Dec. 24, 2024, 3:53 p.m. -  dihummer

Most people probably don’t look at the details about this situation. Notice from whenst the press release came:  RAD Industries Inc., SAINT-GEORGES, QC. Who or what is RAD Industries Inc.?  RAD Industries Inc. is part of a twisted group of legal entities controlled by Raymond Dutil.  (RAD I believe are Raymond Dutils initials).  I do not think that any of these legal entites is a publicly trade company, so there is little financial information available The forward face of these legal entities was Groupe Procycle. Groupe Procycle has a history of buying Canadian bicycle brand names, of which Rocky Mountain Bicycles was but one. Groupe Procycle has been the graveyard for many Canadian bicycle brand names: CCM, Balfa, Velo Sport, Oryx, Mikado, Miele, eVox, and probably more. Groupe Procycle tried to change its fortunes in 2018 by re-branding itself as Rocky Mountain Bicycles. Well, here we are 6 years and some months later and suprise, suprise, suprise . . . From my perspective these financial problems coming to light for Group Procycle or Rocky Mountain Bicycles, was only a matter of time.

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