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Dec. 23, 2024, 9:07 a.m. -  Justin White

Did he have any reasoning behind claiming it would be un-jumpable? Because the claim that too fast rebound hurts jumping has been debunked a few times, and most importantly for this context by Jordi himself. A jump take-off is purely a compression event, it just doesn't matter how fast your suspension extends once you're off the jump, because if you do it right the bike stays loaded right until it's off the lip. Of course, too fast rebound could effect the approach if the run-up is chunky and it's throwing you off balance, or if you land a bit too far over the front on a steep & deep landing and can't handle the jounce. Or if you're actually trying to pre-jump before the lip and fast rebound throws off your timing. A statement like that makes me question the "apparent ... behind tunes working at Fox". As too Fox products not letting you open it up as fast a you like, you may be on the lower end of their rider weight spectrum. I'm 220 geared up, run a bit less pressure than they recommend in my 36 Grip2, and also a few clicks less rebound that they recommend for that pressure, which ends up being about 4 from closed, so I could totally see a much lighter rider running much less pressure having trouble getting light enough damping. Meanwhile, on RS stuff I sometimes find them quite lacking in \[controlled\] compression damping, so it seems like they each aim their generic tuning windows at different rider weight ranges. I'd want a custom tune on a RockShox to really enjoy it, and you'd probably want a custom tune on a Fox... goes both ways. Although, I wonder about "I tried many, set wide open, and just couldn't get the bike off the ground." Off the ground in what context? A j-hop/proper-bunny-hop? Rebound speed shouldn't effect this, it's a compression event on the rear suspension and the front should be unloaded. Jumping off proper jumps? Same, a compression event.

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