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Dec. 20, 2024, 8:36 a.m. -  SuperScooter

I was in grade 8 when Rocky Mountain started their company.  Since then I was lucky to own a Super Scooter, K2, Fusion and Soul. Nothing fancy and pretty low level components but they were always well built, reliable and high performance.  The struggle today though is I am not a gear head obsessing about the components on my bike and neither are my middle aged friends so I know that I am not RM's customer anymore. I, and clearly a lot of today's consumers, judging by the amount of bankruptcy filings, do not have $10-$15,000.00+ to spend on something that you still have to peddle and practically sleep with it to keep it from being stolen!  And I am not just singling out RM here.  A lot of the bike manufacturers, Specialized, Trek, and a trillion more big brands are in the same boat. In the end, we are still just talking about bikes and yes, they are still a lot of fun to ride but manufacturers and stores are asking an arm and a leg to own them and taking care of my family takes the majority of my resources now.

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