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Dec. 19, 2024, 8:59 a.m. -  Kenny

Rebound damping resists anti-rise forces, for one thing. When you brake the bike pitches forward. This can be.. less than ideal when things are steep. "Depressions" are not really a thing when it's steep, draw a horizontal line with a "depression" in it, then turn the paper 45+ degrees. That's now basically a drop. You just want to skip over that and have the bike not tip any further towards vertical than it already is. You pick up speed so you want to be able to brake just prior, so control speed. You really don't want to pitch forward at that moment.  That said the impact of anti rise on ideal rebound damping is definitely a thing and a whole other topic. But even on a bike with higher anti rise, keeping things from pitching forward can be desirable

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