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Dec. 18, 2024, 1:40 p.m. -  Justin White

Also makes me wonder what the graph for the other fork would look like if it wasn't mechanically stopped by the fact of being at max extension. The Selva's curve just slams into the bottom, looking a lot like the overshoot curve with the bottom chopped off. So it gets to maximum extension marginally faster, but it's not smooth about it. "the \[Selva's\] histogram (not shown) shows a bit of a spike in the 0-5% travel bracket" Perhaps that's because it's so (overly) quick to get back to that 0% travel position, that spike is kind of indacating an overshoot/underdamped condition at the very lowest speeds, And you simply can't see it in the travel graph because it's being clipped by the mechanical travel limits. At hard bottom-out would look similar: going steeply up and slamming into the 100% limit. The graphs for the rear all show a top-out curve similar for the Fox 36...

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