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Dec. 16, 2024, 12:21 p.m. -  Dave Tolnai

I think you're likely onto something.  I definitely default to lighter compression and heavier rebound settings than I should. I wish I'd watched that video Jerry linked to before I wrote this!  I think there really is something to finding your critical damping setup where you are _just_ not oscillating, and then using the 2-3 clicks that are lighter than that.  However, that's pretty focused on low speed rebound...but...that's the adjustment that you're most likely to have at your disposal, anyhow. I saw Steve saying something in one of the videos related to their new rear shock (Vorsprung) that this is why they haven't included a HSR dial on that shock.  They set that at the factory for your bike/weight/riding style and then just give you LSR to play with.

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