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Dec. 16, 2024, 12:15 p.m. -  Dave Tolnai

Good questions.  I talked a bit about the trails I was riding in the first article I wrote about data acquisition, which I of course didn't include a link to. I've been looking at my tuning in two parts.  The easy bit is the full travel end of things.  Sag & spacers to ensure things feel good and there's enough in the tank on larger hits.  This is very bike/shock dependent.  I tried to do some data acquisition on some more challenging trails but the results just weren't all that useful.  A plummet followed by a flat bit just doesn't give you much to work with. So, for data acquisition I found myself searching for faster, bumpier trails.  If I can get something that is working well on repetitive hits yet supportive enough on big hits, it's likely going to work most places.  I don't really change my setup much for locations, but if I lived somewhere else I'd probably re-think that a bit.  If I ride up in Kamloops I tend to ride pretty mellow stuff and this setup will feel just fine for that riding, but I won't be going very deep into travel.  A shorter travel bike would likely be better on this stuff, anyhow. I think your comment on jumps and slow speed tech are related.  I think riding both of these things we default more towards the "comfortable".  We want a stable platform that isn't moving a lot or swallowing our body english.

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