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Dec. 13, 2024, 3:02 p.m. -  Andy Eunson

You might like the Bontrager Montrose RSL. Fast rolling with a 3C type compound and enough casing strength for me. I think it’s a 45/60 over a harder base compound. I also tried the Sainte Anne RSL this summer. Super fast rolling tire but lightweight. I did have a situation where all the air left the tire after a hard bottom out and then another bottom out because most of the air had vacated the tire. And the tire bled yellow Pirelli (not recommended but it’s all the shop had) sealant at the bead and refused to air up.   But when I’m riding far on gravel they are excellent. Where I live I can go to any bike shop and get any Minnion or Assegai in any compound and casing made. There are a few Continental too but that’s about it. I have to order in or online to get proper xc type tires. For much of the summer when it’s dry and firm big knobbies are overkill. I do notice that with a fast rolling tire that I roll into corners faster so when they go on I have to adapt my braking. I think people take this to mean less traction is available but I think it could also be more speed is happening.  Good to know WTB are making a good quality tire worth considering. I haven’t seen a WTB tire in Whistler in ages though. And my local Trek shop tell me that Maxxis manufactures the Bontrager tires.

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