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Dec. 8, 2024, 5:43 a.m. -  Lynx .

@BarryW - Except that you don't need to make the WB longer, just increase the Stack and then, like adding spacers under the stem, the Reach decreases, BUT, at least then you know the actual "true" Reach at the Stack you need instead of buying a frame with the Reach you want, only to have to add 40mm of spacers and reduce that "ideal" reach by 10mm or more, depending on the HTA.  In other words, the 483mm Reach on my XL 2018 Unit and 601mm Stack with a 20mm rise bar and 27.5mm of spacers works fine for me, but it'd be nicer if it was a 476mm Reach with 625mm Stack so I only needed say 10mm of spacers - looks so much nicer and cleaner, IMHO. Wish I didn't hate how anything over a 20mm rise bar looks, but I do and well, it is what it is, so it's spacers and Reach loss for me.

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