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Dec. 5, 2024, 9:34 a.m. -  Andy Eunson

What am I doing wrong? I can’t remember ever needing to remove a chain on the trail. I did have a chain get jammed between a chainring and chain guide that required the removal of a bolt to release the chain. I do carry a Oneup EDC chain link tool that I have never used. My firm belief is that one should always ensure the bike is in good working order I the home shop before heading out. I replace chains and cable and housing regularly and in the rare event that I’ve jammed a chain or bent a derailleur I fix or replace before the next outing. On bike multi tools are for adjustment of on trails and stuff like that and for emergencies only.   My first reaction when I saw the tool pictured was " what kind of hipstie fixer size is 8/9 of an inch?" Then I read the article and laughed at myself. It appears like a clever way to use a tool for more than one thing. But I mean really, a proper tool is many times better. Threading string and tying a knot while horseflies are gnawing on you and mosquitoes and black flies are buzzing requires a much faster tool.

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