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Dec. 4, 2024, 7:28 a.m. -  Pete Roggeman

It's amazing how good you become -when in the middle of a brutal tire change - at instantly knowing whether a new tire lever will be better or worse than the three you've already bent or broken in the attempt.  OG Enve rims with certain casings were so bad for that. The first time Cam and I met AJ he was halfway down WBP with a flat and there was no way that tire was going back on without 5-6 gloved and stubborn hands. I recall another time on Seymour when Cam, Trevor and I were nearly stumped by a wheel of mine. I belive we broke levers belonging to TWO passers by before we finally got it done. We prevailed but that was as close as I've come to walking a flat out in failure.

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