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Dec. 4, 2024, 3:03 a.m. -  Lynx .

Mike, it Ti, so no matter what, beautiful, but as you said, don't quite get the sizes on it, who needs a 10mm or even 9mm these days, 8mm maybe, I'm sure this is for their more hipster crowd running older bikes that still use it, but I'm also sure they could come up with some better, actual useful sizes or other ends for the modern bike. As to the whole premise of this piece, absolutely, great lateral, whatever thinking, as soon as I saw it and you mentioned the chain breaker aspect, I immediately knew it had to be the string, because nothing else with the wrench could work, but yeah, ease on the restraints and you can figure out some amazing shit. As to the whole quick link and needing pliers to undo the modern ones, yeah, that's an easy fix, absolutely nothing wrong with 10spd and the KMC master links are reusable and you don't need anything but your hands and fingers to undo them :-p But, I still keep a set of the specific pliers _(and links)_ in my bag for all the others who need the "latest and greatest", who's bikes I work on/service and ride with, who don't bring such things along, heck I was even given my set by one such individual because they'd never take it with them or really cared to learn how to use it :-\

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