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Dec. 2, 2024, 11:57 p.m. -  Jose Espinal

Ok so I did a quick google search and went to this website []( From there we go to the Praxis institute []( Take a look at this backed statistics *     Estimated 4,529 new cases of spinal cord injury in Canada each year, 1,786 as the result of traumatic injury and the rest as a consequence of diseases and other non-traumatic causes. *     Almost half of new traumatic injuries occur in people 15 to 39 (mainly male) as a result of motor vehicle accidents, sporting accidents and other external causes. *     The incidence and prevalence of non-traumatic SCI is on the rise. Approximately 50 per cent of new cases of SCI result from non-traumatic injuries caused by infection or disease (including cancer) rather than traumatic causes. *     Cases of SCI are projected to increase over the next two decades, with the number of new traumatic and non-traumatic cases increasing from the 4,700 estimated for 2010 to 6,400 new cases estimated in 2030; and from the current estimated 86,000 persons living with SCI in 2010 to 121,000 persons in 2030. *     Canada’s ageing population is having an impact on the mean age of people who suffer a SCI and the type of care and services required. In the coming decades people who suffer a spinal cord injury are likely to also be older and the causes of these injuries will shift e.g. older people falling rather than young males in motor vehicle collisions. The first and most important data we can see is that only 39.4% of SCI's are a result of a traumatic cause. Therefore you're more likely to become paraplegic from the microplastics in your balls rather than shredding the gnar, statiscally speaking. Our main article states that 58 SCI's happened in TEN YEARS, for the sake of it I am going to assume that all of them happened in a very gruesome single year. Bike related SCI's represent a 3% of traumatic caused SCI's if all of our recorded injuries were to happen in a single year

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