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Dec. 2, 2024, 11:31 p.m. -  Jose Espinal

Oh wow big overcomplicated words, do you know that Doctorates need to keep publishing papers in order to stay relevant and get funding? Did you know that most papers where an established researcher appears only has his name and all the info was redacted and digested by an intern? Maybe the poor understanding is yours as my first comment was "I've been working in labs and helping researchers for a minute" fun fact most researchers don't even do their own experimetns I worked as a lab technicians at the physics department in my faculty for 2 years carrying our thermal tests to study the magnetic properties of superconductors in extreme weather for groups such as AMADE that collaborate with NASA. Wanna know something? I ran the numbers for the doctorates, they didn't they just took them interpreted them and wrote on what we gave them, and I hadn't even finished my engineering degree. Do with that info what you must. To further digest info for you, in something as simple as counting SCI look how many researchers appear.  William Chu Kwan [,](,) Pedram Laghaei, Harsh Kahlon, Tamir Ailon, Raphaële Charest-Morin, Charlotte Dandurand, Scott Paquette, Nicolas Dea, John Street, Charles G. Fisher, Vanessa Noonan, Marcel F. Dvorak, and Brian K. Kwon Do you think that they all took time for that? Most researchers contracts have them do 20h a week of research and 20h a week of teaching, how do I know? Couple classmates became doctorates in chemical engineering. So in order to cover those 20h of research when it's slow you grab, and I quote myself "whatever sack of flying bullshit you find on the internet " and run with it.

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