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Dec. 2, 2024, 9:41 a.m. -  Lynx .

OK, here's a response Barry...It's easier to play happy with what you've got/bought, because well, you paid your hard earned money for it, than maybe own up to the short comings of it and admit to maybe, yeah, wasn't as great a buy as I thought, if I had chosen different and spent more. I'll own up to most of my bikes are heavy, to me, especially after building up a 28lbs Ranger, 4lbs is a lot, but then again, I built mine on super tight budgets and I'm still smiling at the end of the day because I'm getting out and having fun on them, even if a bit more worn out than if I had the extra $$$ to build something lighter, it's what I can afford and it's way better than lot of others ride, but I'll never say my bikes are light and not more work to get around. Or maybe, you just like bikes that weigh a tonne, me, I'm with Mike, for a bike in this segment, that's way too heavy, it even as I said makes my pre-production Prime seem light and that think is a pig and a tank, but it is what it is and yes I've done 5 hour rides on it in a wide variety of terrain from mellow XC with lots of climbing to Flowy ST, to Chunk and Steep and you know what, I still had a good time, but I could have also done it all on my Phantom and not been as worn out when it was all done and said, from having to man handle the extra weight around.

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