100% correct. The most dangerous thing is going over the handlebars and landing on your head driving a lot of energy through your skull an into your cervical spine. It’s not direct impact. As mentioned 77.5% of the injuries in this study involved an over the bars mechanis, and 67.2% were neck injuries. Nothing wrong with the chest and back protector (36% had associated injuries to their chest, or abdomen), but it will not protect you in any way from getting a cervical spine injury.
Nov. 29, 2024, 9:51 a.m. - Moritz Haager
100% correct. The most dangerous thing is going over the handlebars and landing on your head driving a lot of energy through your skull an into your cervical spine. It’s not direct impact. As mentioned 77.5% of the injuries in this study involved an over the bars mechanis, and 67.2% were neck injuries. Nothing wrong with the chest and back protector (36% had associated injuries to their chest, or abdomen), but it will not protect you in any way from getting a cervical spine injury.