Locally 3 buds out of a group are quad, one was a collapsed front wheel equipment failure, one jumping in WBP and the last one I would call an accident buddy was on a very easy small bridge crossing a small creek going up hill so when you go for a beer and guys are in chairs its kind of sobering, me i dial it back and stay on the ground
it would seem you can get hurt anywhere
Nov. 28, 2024, 12:07 p.m. - XXX_er
Locally 3 buds out of a group are quad, one was a collapsed front wheel equipment failure, one jumping in WBP and the last one I would call an accident buddy was on a very easy small bridge crossing a small creek going up hill so when you go for a beer and guys are in chairs its kind of sobering, me i dial it back and stay on the ground it would seem you can get hurt anywhere