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Nov. 28, 2024, 7:52 a.m. -  banj

Ok, I'll lead off with saying that I have some strong opinions about buckets.  This Charley Bucket gets me pretty excited but not for the right reasons. I'll start with the low hanging fruit.  $52 for a bucket!  Ha, I'm not even that mad about that part.  The handle on the bottom?  Is that really necessary or is it just over complicating the product?  Personally, the lip on the bottom of the bucket has never failed me as a lifting point, except when the lip has actually broken off but more on that later.  The webbing handle actually looks pretty nice compared to the standard ones.  Can I buy just the handle?  Will it hook on to a standard bucket? My big issue is that they don't seem to have addressed the biggest problem with buckets, or if they did they're not telling me anything about it.  What's the biggest issue? They don't last very long.  As a trail building tool, buckets are invaluable for moving material through rough terrain.  We abuse them, fill them with rocks, toss them down the hill, run them down zip lines, and at the end of the day leave them out in elements.  They are not designed for that kind of life.  Is the Charley Bucket designed to last longer than a standard bucket?  If so what's different about it.  There is no info on their site about if this is a more resilient product.  There is more info on the specs of this bucket in this article than there is on the linked website.  90 mil thickness, great! Is that more than a standard bucket? For me the best ones have been paint or food grade buckets.  How does this one compare?  It has to be better than  a home depot bucket right?  Those are basically single use plastic.

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