@Mark - so, if you're at a party and there's 2 girls there, one's a drop dead bomb shell, the other, well let's say she could have been cast in Hocus Pocus, which one are you going to talk to or more realistically wish you could take home?
We're hard wired to be drawn to things by initial looks, it's nature, then if we like it, good, if not we move on. I'm not ashamed to own up to this, something has to look good, TO ME, if I'm going to spend hard earned cash AND keep it for as long as I keep my bikes _(think min 5 years)_ and there's absolutely no reason for them not to be aesthetically pleasing these days, absolutely none, it's just designers/engineers trying to make there bike stand out from the crowd and well, something really ugly stands out above mediocre.
If they were worried about fitting a bigger bottle _(from Kenny's photo of his V1, it looks like it fits fine)_ you could also mount the piggy back to the lower eyelet, maybe needing to make the bend in the DT a bit more curvy or big, but that to me would look a hell of a lot better than that nasty kink in the TT, or do like Neeko did with his and mount the shock sideways, simple.
Nov. 28, 2024, 4:04 a.m. - Lynx .
@Mark - so, if you're at a party and there's 2 girls there, one's a drop dead bomb shell, the other, well let's say she could have been cast in Hocus Pocus, which one are you going to talk to or more realistically wish you could take home? We're hard wired to be drawn to things by initial looks, it's nature, then if we like it, good, if not we move on. I'm not ashamed to own up to this, something has to look good, TO ME, if I'm going to spend hard earned cash AND keep it for as long as I keep my bikes _(think min 5 years)_ and there's absolutely no reason for them not to be aesthetically pleasing these days, absolutely none, it's just designers/engineers trying to make there bike stand out from the crowd and well, something really ugly stands out above mediocre. If they were worried about fitting a bigger bottle _(from Kenny's photo of his V1, it looks like it fits fine)_ you could also mount the piggy back to the lower eyelet, maybe needing to make the bend in the DT a bit more curvy or big, but that to me would look a hell of a lot better than that nasty kink in the TT, or do like Neeko did with his and mount the shock sideways, simple.