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Nov. 27, 2024, 10:24 a.m. -  Mike Ferrentino

This was an interesting year for me regarding bikes I got to ride. Lots of good light middleweights got ridden, along with a few brawny middleweights and just enough big travel monsters and full power ebikes for me to be clearly reminded what I like and don't like. I think that for at least half of my riding, I would be plenty happy with an SB120 or a Top Fuel. Buuut, that Mondraker Raze I reviewed earlier this summer really impressed me. I could ride that into bigger terrain, and its still light enough and sharp enough that its really nice to pedal everywhere. I am pretty sure that smashy riders would tear it apart at some point, but aside from kinda buggy heel clearance it was almost goldilocks good for me. 130-135mm seems to be about the rear travel inflection point for me these days, where the responsiveness I like intersects with the comfort/confidence I seek, just below the threshold where bikes start to feel "more" than I want.

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