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Nov. 27, 2024, 9:05 a.m. -  Mike Ferrentino

I was watching a deer spring up a 30-ish foot near vertical hillside to get out of my way some years back, and I thought to myself; "if I could pull moves like that I'd never even bother with these stupid wheels." To be clear, I'm not apologizing for shit. But I am cognizant that there is a huge variety of riding out there, as well as an increasing number of ways to get after that riding, along with equipment that is more and more specifically built to meet particular needs. As such, I feel like I need to clearly state where my own riding sits on the overall spectrum, along with my personal goals and desires, and whatever direction they may be taking at a given point in time. This is not a bike for _me_. But it is still a pretty damn awesome bike. Built like a brick shithouse, very clever spec at a very respectable price, and with suspension and handling that everyone can appreciate but that really comes to life for riders who are more assertive/aggressive. In spite of the injury stats, the number of riders who can really let it rip on these kind of bikes is growing. May not be my cup of tea, but I respect and admire the hell out of those who have the sort of chops to make this bike sing.

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