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Nov. 26, 2024, 12:15 p.m. -  Allen Lloyd

Great article, it reminds me of 2 of my favorite rides involving night and weather. Night was a January night ride with a couple inches of snow on the ground.  Everything sparkled and we decided to do two laps.  The second lap was my fastest time ever on that trail.  Something about the snow being grippy and the night adding focus just created a wonderland where my legs didn't hurt from the effort and we just flew through to night. Weather was a deep deep fog that rolled in while on a night ride.  I think there were 6 or 8 of us on either a 12 mile out and back or a 20+ mile loop.  At the decision point our leader threw in the towel and decided to head back.  A few of us said "this is awesome lets do the loop."  About a quarter mile latter we realized our leader was riding with his light being reflected right back into his eyes.  Those who were following could use the leader's light but the leader couldn't see anything.  With tail between legs we turned around and rather quickly caught our leader and the others and took turns being the lead rider so nobody got screwed over.

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