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Nov. 19, 2024, 12:17 p.m. -  OutboundLighting

It's funny we actually got a legit, serious request from a customer the other day to put an audible alarm on our lights to remind them when they need to be charged. I can't imagine how much people would hate this haha, but it would certainly help those that forget or don't check. Having some standardized pictograms that are always there could be helpful, so long as people look at them and can make obvious sense of them. Honestly there is so much information I'd want to convey on the lights, we've contemplated even putting QR codes on them to scan to go straight to instructions or FAQ entries. Certainly good to put something on there. Maybe a blinking red indicator every once in a while to get people's attention if the battery is really low when it's off...lots of concepts here...

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