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Oct. 3, 2024, 1:36 p.m. -  Lynx .

Decent looking post, the extra insertion depth I think will loose them quite a few sales, but then to counter that, the small parts availability and ease of service is fantastic. Still not sure if I'd go for this when I can get several posts under $200 USD. Sadly another post to enter the market with no offset option, something I look for with all the stupid steep STA these days 9point8 seems to be the only option out there and the fact that the post can use either zero or 25mm offset is, IMHO a game changer and well worth the price. Haven't done it yet, but far as I understand they're also fully rebuildable. Oh developed play should not be par for the course for droppers, not ones that might be considered premium, my 9point8 FallLine ran for 4 years before I stupidly decided to try a different grease that didn't mesh with the seals and it never developed any side to side or for/aft play, rock solid.

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