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Oct. 3, 2024, 12:45 p.m. -  Matt Cusanelli

Agreed, the offerings from Rockshox, Wolftooth, Fox, and BikeYoke really aren't in the same league. The Bunker didn't need special tools, all the parts are inexpensive, and the videos (similar to OneUp) means that if you're a home mechanic or can handle tools and have some time and patience, it can be done quite affordably. If any of my OneUps needed a cartridge and I wasn't able to do the work myself I'd be looking at a OneUp V2, which are on sale at present for in the realm of $240. There's also PNW to consider as they have the Range Dropper bundle at 275 CAD, which includes the remote. I do like the idea of something that is fully rebuildable from an ethical standpoint even if it is more cost effective to buy a new post when the cartridge needs to be done.

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