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Oct. 3, 2024, 12:32 p.m. -  Jotegir

So wolftooth is significantly more "premium" than oneup so I won't comment with regards to that one, I'm not sure the Bunker is going to be cross shopped with it. In Canada, the Resolve V2 is a $550 unit, the Oneup V3 is like $360, and this runs around $340 CAD, maybe it's a wash with oneup with shipping into Canada, I don't know.  The key difference I see in this is that the bunker seems to be fully rebuildable with minimal or affordable parts, not being a cartridge based post. A Oneup cartridge runs $115. If you're paying labour, it's probably better to just wait for a Oneup sale and buy a new post rather than paying for the cartridge and labour. That might count for something. That said, 3 of my bikes are running oneup and that's not going to change anytime soon.

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