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Sept. 5, 2024, 8:38 a.m. -  Mark

The time efficiency you can achieve with a good strength training program can be pretty important considering most people have busy lives.  I think the average person has misconceptions on what exactly strength training is, or can be. It’s not just about big muscles or having a big bench press or squat, it can be the path to giving people their life back and the ability to do simple tasks like getting out of bed, standing up from a chair or being able to climb a flight of stairs without holding onto the handrail.  Manual labour type stuff can be good in helping to  increase fitness, but the gym can do that in less time and safeguard your body from potential injuries you could pick up in manual labour work.  It’s not rare for guys that have done manual labour type jobs all their lives to have limited mobility later in life due to the wear and tear on their bodies they’ve accumulated over their working life.  Honestly I can’t stress this enough,  but a regular strength training routine is a critical component of living a quality life.

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