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Sept. 4, 2024, 12:46 p.m. -  Pete Roggeman

The Garmin metrics are great, I just find that Strava as an app is more useful to x-ref with other things I use like Trailforks. Regarding the other thing, you probably have way more apps using your microphone than you think. Anything you use to communicate (Facebook if messenger or WhatsApp for example) has permission to listen in on you all the time (depending on the app and the permissions you bestow). Creepy but true. So if you're saying it, one or more apps that control your online experience (Google, Chrome, Safari, etc) are serving you ads based on that. When you install a new app it never feels like a big deal when it asks if it can have access to your microphone (select 'only when using the app' for that and location services whenever possible) but the reality is, you're granting access to a gold mine every time.

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