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Sept. 4, 2024, 9:37 a.m. -  Pete Roggeman

Forgive the intrusion of golf into the chat, but...I'm currently down in Nashville and snuck out to play 18 yesterday (in Kentucky, actually). It's 30º+ and humid here right now so I never bothered thinking I'd bring riding gear and try to find a bike.  Anyway...semi hilly course, the kind of place where they just assume everyone will take a golf cart. Raised eyebrows when I declared I'd be walking (walking 18 holes is about 10 kms, if you carry your bag, that's like taking a 30-lb pack on that hike). Two different guys commented on it. One was 'you're a good man for walking". He was what you'd typically assume - 50s or 60s, beer-bellied and I'd assume fairly sedentary other than golfing in a cart once or twice a week, cooler full of CL Smooths. The other guy was in his 70s, slim and healthy looking. He was in a cart, too, but HE said 'I remember when I'd walk every time I golfed'. And he looked like he still could, easily, but as I said it was hot and muggy and his friends were riding in carts. Golf isn't MTB, but the same attitudes prevail. Riding has helped me stay fit but so does not taking shortcuts elsewhere, like riding in a cart, or taking an escalator when stairs are an option. Day to day, small things. Over time, huge difference.

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