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Sept. 4, 2024, 9:15 a.m. -  Mike Moore

I'm sitting here in an overpriced shoulder sling because 58 year old me was trying to be 12 year old me. When I went to see the Ortho doc, he was impressed I got hurt mountain biking "at your age", wasn't sure if I was supposed to say "Thank you" or "F*ck you". I have 2 titanium hips from 40 years of skateboarding. Like a big chunk of "us", pain seems to have been part of my fun time most of my life. Recovery DOES take longer, I'm NOT as fast or flexible (no more skating - frowny face), in fact...I'm flagrantly OLD(er). What's the alternative? Pickle Ball? Pass. I TRY to ride smarter. I TRY to pay attention to the creaks and moans any of my still good parts make. Most of all I keep riding, at the end of the day it's what keeps the smiles on. I'm reminded of an old joke in which a young man visits a brothel. The sex worker (not sure on current safe words) upon seeing the young man's "equipment" asks "Who do you think you're going to please with that thing?" The young man says, "Me". So that, except replace "young man" with "upwardly middle aged man", and replace "equipment" with "riding", and replace "sex worker" with any nimrod who might think I'm not doing it right. I'm happy with it.

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