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Aug. 30, 2024, 4:36 p.m. -  Speeder1

I can vouch for the Sienna. We have a well used gen 3 awd in our fleet among a few older BMWs (e90, e91, e36), a gen 1 Forester (another fantastic beater), an '87 Vanagon (lots of style, space and personality, but slooooow and no AC), and a set up '72 Datsun 510 (lightweight blast from the past, pure, raw ripping, extremely fun to drive hard). Yes, there's a couple driving teens in our house. The Sienna does most of the dirty work hauling kids, dogs, skis, bikes, camping all over the place on road and off, going cross country all day at 90mph with good AC or heat keeping it comfy. It lacks style but makes up for it easily in other ways. Under rated vehicle for heavy mtb base camp use. Surprised more outdoor junkies haven't embraced these vehicles.

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