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Aug. 7, 2024, 1:15 p.m. -  Raymond Epstein

I am a life long hater of Jimmy Buffett's (I always pronounce it "Boo-fay" b/c I am an irreverent schmuck) oeuvre. His fans are even worse, but alas I have a number of friends that do like it for some unknown reason. I disliked his craptastic tunes when I was a kid and when my senior year book theme was "Changes in Latitudes; Changes in Attitudes" I just about puked. FWIW, my high school classmate is now the GOP governor of Virginia if that says anything.🙄  Maybe there is some Pina Colada wisdom there, but I'll be damned if I am going to receive it via Mr Buffett. Also Death Metal is awesome. Black Breath FTW! 💀😈🤘 [](

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