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Aug. 7, 2024, 7:55 a.m. -  Andy Eunson

I knew someone that broke my heart a hundred years ago that was all over Jimmy Buffet like a fat kid on a cookie. Uh. She was a champion of projection. And she loved sail boats. She went on a high school sailing adventure that sounded awesome but I think she was trying to return to that time that defined her life. She didn’t have the means to ever own a boat but couldn’t move on from that. And yes, I despise Jimmy Buffet and all those sailing related songs.  Sometimes I need to get out of my comfort zone on a bike and ride something stupid which makes the easier trails easier. Or, when I’m feeling like I lost my mojo (see what I did there?) I ride an easy trail to feel like a champ. It can go both ways.  Did I mention that I despise Jimmy Buffet? And that other overrated band the Eagles? Popular because they are popular.

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