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July 20, 2024, 11:56 a.m. -  Gage Lejay

FAFFF: Fucking Around For Fucking Forever. Good rules in general.  Lacy's article has a lot of planned or reasonably expected "FAFFF" and that is the key ingredient to the corresponding amount of stress to the group.  Set the expectations for the ride or ski.  If you are in a fast group and need to haul bunghole across loads of miles then have your systems dialled.  It's almost a necessity because you will need time to be kind and take breaks due to energy levels, environment changes or unexpected mechanicals.  Same thing but the opposite for if you are in a new group and people need time to de-layer, adjust a bag, adjust the bike yada yada yada.  Be patient because you signed up to ride with these people.  Use the mantra, "remind your mind to be kind" because it's all about good times on bikes. However, if there is a pattern of learned behaviour and incessant helplessness then there comes a time when group dynamics need to be considered.  Choose your partners and have reasonable expectations for FAFFF that are spoken and agreed upon.  Consent to FAFFF with an enthusiastic and open yes but also be ok to walk/bike away if someone tells you no. In the end have a good time but learn to have your systems dialled or at least attempt to.

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