That filter at the bottom is absolutely smart. 1. It allows a mess of air in and out, decreasing stress on the collar's dust seal as well as the cartridge, and 2. prevents crud from sneaking in from the bottom. The second may seem a bit of a stretch, but if you've ever rolled a fatty on a beach you know how much sand can sneak into a frame, especially if you ever have to float your bike around an unrideable section. I was surprised by crudded up the bottom of the post got. Obviously not everyone's concern.
July 11, 2024, 6:41 a.m. - JT
That filter at the bottom is absolutely smart. 1. It allows a mess of air in and out, decreasing stress on the collar's dust seal as well as the cartridge, and 2. prevents crud from sneaking in from the bottom. The second may seem a bit of a stretch, but if you've ever rolled a fatty on a beach you know how much sand can sneak into a frame, especially if you ever have to float your bike around an unrideable section. I was surprised by crudded up the bottom of the post got. Obviously not everyone's concern.