Maybe the solution then is that if component companies are going to charge $200 or more for a bar they they have a tester program available where people can try out a recommended bar based on weight and riding style. This of course means dozens of bars for any one model to accommodate width and flex. The other part is that we as consumers have to recognize that we're trying to milk every last little bit of "perfection" out of a part and that costs money so maybe we have to put up with a little marketing schtick as well.
July 9, 2024, 10:54 a.m. - Mark
Maybe the solution then is that if component companies are going to charge $200 or more for a bar they they have a tester program available where people can try out a recommended bar based on weight and riding style. This of course means dozens of bars for any one model to accommodate width and flex. The other part is that we as consumers have to recognize that we're trying to milk every last little bit of "perfection" out of a part and that costs money so maybe we have to put up with a little marketing schtick as well.