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July 9, 2024, 10:19 a.m. -  Pete Roggeman

"If you're going to say your bars are "tuned" per width, then give some numbers, like "With a 200lb weight hanging off the end, at 800mm wide, the bar deflects 5mm, at 760mm the bar deflects only 3mm or something to those effects to give an idea of how one compares to the other. As has been said, not hard to do such a simple test and give the numbers so people have an idea." That will do nothing for your comprehension of how that bar feels or rides. All you'll know is that one deflects slightly more with a weight hung off the end of it. That's a static environment, riding is dynamic. Brag about your BS meter all you want. I'm not being defensive, I'm just showing you a mirror.

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